BBBLLLLAAAAAHHHHH so it's been a while.. honestly, nothing too interesting has really been happening.
I started school again for my spring courses..surprisingly, I'm loving it! I wish all school was like this! they fit like 3 classes into one so your constantly doing something and I'm actually learning. The professors are awesome too because: A) they speak english and, B) They only teach university (my stats prof is a high school teacher) part-time so they aren't jaded and hating life yet. THEY ACTUALLY CARE IF YOU LEARN. Plus you can really tell that they love what they are teaching.
Aside from stats I'm taking an elective called America in The 1960s. yeah, its a real course. I would recommend it to anyone! But only with Powell, my prof. He is effing awesome. :) We are focusing on the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War but also looking into all the other craziness that happened in the 60s..most of it is connected anyways. We have been assigned 3 books to read, Coming of Age in Mississippi, Born on the 4th of July, and The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage. These are not, as you probably guessed, textbooks and are actually interesting. I just finished Coming of Age and LOVED it. Its so powerful. Its an autobiography about a girl growing up poor and Black in rural Mississippi before Civil Rights were established. She ends up getting heavily involved in the Movement and the KKK has her pretty high up on their blacklist, meaning they really want to kill her. GREAT book and I recommend it to any of you if you are at all interested in this stuff.
Ummm so not much else is happening in my life... Im incredibly sick.. stupid flu season... I havent been able to do anything for 3 days and feel like shit run over..repeatedly. haha On the bright side, I am leaving for Fredericton tonight where I will be spending a whole week while my parents are away visiting my brother in Toronto! I'm pretty excited for the whole free groceries and car and house allllll to myself...unfortunately though, I still need to attend my classes in SJ on Tuesday and Thursday so there is a bit of running back and forth. Oh well!
Well my brain is about to go back to sleep so time to pop in some Disney movies and surround myself with kleenex for another 4 hours. Fuck, I hate being sick :( Peace Out A-Town.
Edmonton Expo
11 years ago
loving the usher reference