This is me and my Dog... I absolutely love him!! However... My roommate has 2 cats... and they get along like..well like cats and dogs! [Insert headache here] HOW DO YOU GET DOGS TO LIKE CATS?? and vice versa... I think Cooper likes the cats... he wants to play with them but he gets too excited and they dont like that... anyways.. on to blog #2. :)
Okay so this is just a quickie my friends as I really should be studying for my exam..which is tomorrow... EEEKKKK not to mention I work 2-8 today...way to take up the whole day... bllaahhh
So my question to you all is this: How nice is too nice? When he calls you "Cutie"? "Cute" is something you call a 5 year old child...not a 21 year old adult. I hate being called cute..to me its patronizing...but maybe I'm just crazy...which is why I'm asking this of all of you, not just myself. Also, pretending to like things you don't just so it seems you have more in common with her?? NA UH... be yourself or she will never respect you...which is what is happening in my situation. When you tell him you failed something and he blames it on the professor or the readings you had to do?? Like okay.. this isn't too bad but when your feeling like shit about being a failure and he doesn't say the right thing it really doesn't help at all.
So that's a little tastes of my rants.. things in a guy that annoy me. Unfortunately, all these qualities seem to reside in the boy (man?) I am currently dating.. BLLAAHH should I ignore these annoyances? talk to him about them? or just move on? Decisions Decisions... This is why I hate dating.. in the long term at least... and to me long term constitutes a whole 2 months.. yeah that's right, I get bored easily. Bored or annoyed? Not sure which one.
Also, another thing about me is that Im allergic to Wheat and Dairy.. something I will complain about a lot.. but also, I will include you all in my cooking experiments because I do a lot of them.. Wheat and Dairy is in EVERYTHING and it really sucks. For instance, right now, I just want a cheeseburger... YUMMMM...its doesnt help either that I work at McDonalds. I have to smell the delicious Junior Chickens, Bacon Cheeseburgers, Big Macs...etc etc. and I CANT EAT ANY OF IT!!!! I hate it... :(
the cats well get used to the dog. it just takes time :P
ReplyDeleteas for boys, im personally just waiting for miley cyrus to turn 18.