Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

What a weekend! Full of nothingness. Friday I went for a quick shopping juant with the cousin! spent the last of my money but bought a really cute dress from Boathouse! love it! :) Then Saturday, I worked all day and it was sooo busy. There was some kids thing on at Harbour Station. I sold so many happy meals I wanted to barf. haha

So Saturday night I was exhausted but some friends decided to come up and go out drinking. I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to try out the new dress! Plus I hadn't seen these people in a while and was excited to see them again! Unfortunately, plans got mixed up and I got left out of the mix which sucked. I hate that feeling when your really excited for something and you have it all figured out in your head but because of some dumb misunderstanding and lack of communication, everything goes to shit! But oh well. I had an early night and worked today.

Tonight, I am going to see Date Night with Tina Fey and Steve Carrell! This is sure to be a hilarious movie...I'm excited to see James Franco in something again [drool]. I will give you guys the full review, without any spoilers!

Also, I have already started the whole "exams are over so I'm going to read something for fun" phase of my summer, even thought exams aren't over for my until Thursday..bbllaahh... I'm reading "Eat Pray Love" because I have only heard good things about this book. So far, I really like it! and the woman reminds me a little of myself...minus the whole searching for divinity and God part.. no thanks. Its a short book though so if you have any suggestions on what to read next, let me know! :)

So I have most of this week off, for exams, but OF COURSE its supposed to rain. I cant wait for summer to get here when it will be nice 90-wait I live in SJ now-75% of the time! haha

Well the dog is crying for some lovin so that's it for now! I hope your all ready for the week to come!

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